About Me

My name is Addie and I live in San Francisco, CA.  On my 7th birthday, my mom asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  With one hand on my hip, I responded, "a craft girl."  Now, fifteen years later, nothing has changed.  I pursue "pretty projects" in my free time, and have found such joy in creating clothing.  As a merchandiser for the Gap and a past buying intern for Urban Outfitters, I have worked hard to make fashion and apparel a part of my everyday life.  Growing up with two sisters (my new models) who are equally obsessed with dressing up, I discovered at an early age that great clothing has the power to boost someone's confidence, excitement, and internal beauty.  I love seeing art come to life and bring people happiness.  I have found inspiration from my unique college girlfriends, the fashionistas at URBN, art and fashion blogs, the funky hipsters of San Francisco, beautiful fabrics, and music festivals.

Thank you for all your incredible support!

1 comment:

  1. Rae Likins DoolingJune 25, 2012 at 8:09 AM

    Addie - love your "art" and creativity. Your designs are simple yet elegant and edgy. Very inspired. I am passing your site url to Bryn. I can see her loving and wearing your designs. All the best to you!

